Monday, January 12, 2015

Does Love Exist?

Today was one of my first days back on campus for the new semester. I spent some hanging out and talking with friends, but after about an hour of playing cards and listening to music, our conversation took an interesting turn.

A close friend asked me if I believed that love really existed.

Now, this is a very loaded question. It's like asking what the meaning of life is or if I believe human nature is wholly good or bad. It's honestly an opinion, when it comes down to it.

My answer?


Yes, I do believe love exists.

I understand that a lot of people nowadays don't believe in love, and that's okay. Like I said, it's a matter of opinion. There can be successful relationships where one or both individuals don't think love is real, just as there can be failed relationships where both parties were in love. With the divorce rates these days, I don't really blame people for not believing in it. And if you asked me if the idea that a "One True Love" exists, my answer would be different.

But here's my reasoning.

Love is not one feeling. It does not come out of nowhere. I see love as something that is built. It is built from trust and understanding. It's built from compassion and respect. It's built from honesty and familiarity.

It is built.

This is something that applies to all forms of love; romantic, familial, platonic, spiritual. And it's important to understand. Once you do, it makes it difficult to build relationships that are based solely on 'love' because you realize... well... you can't. Because love is many things, not just one feeling.

Sometimes love comes easier between two people than it does others. But with enough determination from both parties, love can exist between anyone.

I don't, however, believe love is something that will last forever on it's own. It's something you have to work for constantly. But, ultimately, that's what keeps relationships alive, even after the newness and excitement of it all dies down. As long as there is still trust and honesty and compassion and understanding and all of those other things, love will not go away.

I'm not saying that people who have fallen out of love were not trying hard enough or that they were never in love. I'm not saying that they were a bad match. That's not what I'm saying. Sometimes things just don't work out, due to circumstances and unexpected changes. It happens.

All I'm saying is that I don't think love is a concept that people made up. I don't think it's a feeling that suddenly comes to you and then never leaves. I think it is something that is born from many things, and it's something that has to be pursued.

I believe that love is real. I really, truly do.

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